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  • who is the author of the USA's National Anthem
  • what is " Flag Day" (AKA the flag's birthday)
  • define each of the "Seven Army Values"
  • be able to explain any award of decoration on your uniform
  • define direction
  • be able to answer questions about your future plans as a cadet or after high school
  • define purpose
  • define motivation
  • what do the colors on the flag represent
  • what does the flag represent after it is folded correctly
  • what does the "gold star" worn by all Warrior Battalion cadets represent
  • the flag is also known by what nickname
  • how many stars are on the current US flag
  • the thirteen red and white stripes on the flag represent what
  • know the name and rank of your Platoon Sergeant and Company Commander
  • be able to describe and explain your "Winning Color"
  • define leadership
  • the stars on the flag represent what
  • the blue background on the flag is called what
  • what is the mission of JROTC
  • what is the song title of the National Anthem

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